If you are planning to buy your new computer system, then make sure that you don't make a mistake while selecting a desktop computer or a laptop. Well, in this post I am going to tell you whether you should prefer a desktop or laptop. This post will help one to choose between these two whether he may be a gamer, a student, an employee or a business-man. So let's get started!
I will be comparing a desktop with a laptop on various aspects such as price, usability, performance, portability etc. So the first thing that you have in your mind while buying a computer is to set your budget.
1. Price-
I mean first let's compare them in terms of their price. Here, a desktop computer wins. You will much powerful and better components at a very cheap price in a desktop computer.You also have a lot of options to choose among these components from various companies. These choices are available when you choose a desktop because you have a option that you can take a cheap component from a company and at the same time you can also buy a costly component pairing with the cheap one. The decision-making is more simpler and easier when you choose a desktop.
On the other hand, there is a laptop. If you buy it, then it is the decision of the company itself that which component they should put and make up their laptop. Like when you buy a cheap laptop such as from HP company, there will be only cheap components present inside it. You will not get any choices there if you want to take another component. Similarly, if you want a quality laptop then you can move on to higher-range brands whose laptops are costly such as MSI and Asus and finally you will get all costly components there. Normally, desktops are at a lower price than laptops.
2. Gaming-
Coming to the next important aspect i.e. gaming. As you know, gaming only and only depends on the graphics card. If you talk about graphics card, powerful and big cards can be only installed in desktop computers. Secondly, the heat which is generated by a graphics card should not be collected inside the cabinet. So as there is much space in the cabinet, the heat goes outside very easily. Secondly there are also many options available to choose a graphics card such as you pair a 3 fans powerful graphics card to your system. You can also do the same with a laptop but it becomes too difficult.
In case of a laptop, the scene is different. The Geforce GTX 10 Series of Nvidia was the first graphics card series which produced full-size cards for laptops. Otherwise, before a mobile version of graphics cards was launched especially for laptops. For example, if a graphics card GTX 1060 would be launched for desktop, then 1060M would be also there for laptops. They consume less power as compared to desktop graphics card. The desktop graphics cards consume much more power and also more heat is generated by them. Laptops don't have any of these features. So every time laptops uses less power comparing to desktop. Therefore, a desktop computer must be preferred for gaming.
3. Processing-
Next coming to the processing point of view, scenarios in both of them is quite similar and equal. But the problem is that the most powerful things first comes in a desktop. I mean the processor! The processors for PCs are launched once in 6 months or 1 year. These processors would be obviously much faster and more powerful than their predecessors. This is all about your desktop processors.
Talking about the laptops, a mobile version of the processor is required to build it up. When it's mobile version will be going to be launched, some period of time might have been passed and then you hear the news that a better processor for desktop is going to be launched. It also depends on the brand or company that the mobile version being launched would be there on their laptop or not. It's the decision of the brand itself whether they they will use that processor on their laptop or not. So if processing is your first priority, then although they are equal you should choose a desktop if you want the latest and greatest hardware first!
4. Upgradability-
Next point is upgradability. Which one offers more upgradabality: a desktop or a laptop? Well, you can upgrade a desktop much faster and it's also very easy. It requires only removing the side-panel by unscrewing only two thumb-screws. Yes! It's this much easy upgrading a desktop.
On the other side, you can also upgrade a laptop. So, first remember that a laptop can also be upgraded. You can upgrade the RAM by adding one more RAM to another slot, you can also change the hard disk or even remove it and add a SSD. But can you add more power and give more storage capacity to your laptop? No, you can't. But you can add more 2 hard disks or SSDs to your desktop PC to give more storage capacity. They both are also same in terms of their accessories. So both of them can be upgraded but desktops can be upgraded more easily.
5. Screen Size-
Next thing is their screen size. Yes here also desktop wins. You will get monitors up to 38 inches and you are working or a businessman or you want entertainment, screen size really matters.
On the other hand, you will maximum size upto 17 inches in laptops and in majority laptop screens are 14 inches normally. That means if you are in a very tight budget you will get only 14 inches, don't expect a bigger 17 inches screen. If you don't have a special task to do in the laptop, so 14 inch or 17 inch is just enough to do your daily stuff or office tasks. Moreover, entertainment can also be done in laptop by connecting it to big TV screens. But if you want bigger screen some work, for entertainment or for gaming, then desktops should be preferred. This really matters if you are a streamer, gamer or a video editor.
6. Power Usage-
Next point is power usage. Here laptop are the best. Why? Because laptops use less power comparing to desktops and also it has battery which gives backup. Coming to the desktops, they consume more power than laptops and also you can't run them if power cuts are happening in your area. If power usage is your main factor, then I will strongly tell you choose a laptop.
7. Usability & Portability-
At last in terms of usability and portability, here also a laptop straightly wins. Here, in case of a desktop you will need a big space, you also have to connect the wires and cables, you should also have some knowledge to do that but in laptop you just need to take the laptop out of its cover and just press a button to switch it on. Yes, if you want to use it very easily then laptop should be preferred.
Now let's come to portability which is the main reason behind the birth of laptop. This is the only point that laptop beats a desktop completely if you are facing problem in terms of portability. For example, if you go to office and still want entertainment at home, then laptop is for you.
After reading all these, I will tell some points which will make it easier for you to buy a laptop or a desktop.
- If you want portability, stability, usability and if you don't have any problem if the price increases or if the screen size is small or even if the processing power is little less of the processor and graphics card, then laptop is for you, especially for a student, parent or employee.
- If you want high-performance at a very low cost, best accessories and big screens, then desktop is for you, especially for PC builders, content creators, gamers and also for youngsters and those who have free time.
I hope you guys have understood about this topic and must have fun while reading. Write down your opinion in the comments section and if you found this interesting or helpful, share it with your friends who are being confused about it. Lastly, thanks for reading this article and make sure to turn on your notifications so that you get notified every time I post an awesome new content.